Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Currently

Listening to the running water of the shower.  My teenager had a haircut this afternoon and the loose hairs were driving him crazy!
Loving that our Spring Break officially started TODAY!  I'm so lucky that my preschool, my son's high school, and my stepson's college are all on Spring Break at the same time. 
Thinking of my TO DO list.  It's all floating around inside my head but I need to write it down before I forget something really important.
Wanting a sunny Spring Break.  We're travelling to the South Carolina coast and the forecast isn't great.  It's not going to rain all week but it's also not going to be super sunny.  But a cloudy week at the beach is better than a cloudy week at home, right?
Needing to do laundry and get packed.  The packing is pretty involved, too.  It's not only my clothes and things but also food, linens, cleaning supplies, etc.  Pretty much anything else we need to open up the beach house which hasn't been used since last fall.
EGGS-plain your name My blog is Learning at the Teacher Table because that's exactly what my kids call it!  They come to my kidney shaped table during centers and we do small group activities together.  Lots of learning takes place at the Teacher Table.  I love it!
I'm linking with Farley and her Currently April linky party! 
Visit and see what everyone is Currently doing this month!


  1. I am needing to get packed too! We are heading to TN! Hopefully the sun will come out for a little while while you're in SC! I am your newest follower!
    Fun in ECSE

  2. I am jealous that you are on spring break! We still have 2 more weeks! Have fun at your beach house!

  3. Today was my first day of break. Hope the sun comes out. I am jealous. I am staying home to work at home and in my classroom. Spring cleaning.

  4. Beach house sounds fun! Hopefully it is beautiful weather for you (though a rainy day might encourage more cleaning...would for me anyway!). Have a great time!



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